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Paperback,  6″ x 9″
217 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-403-5

by Norman R. Kalloch, Jr.

 A seventy-seven-year-old hiker from Maine promises his wife a ten-day solo hike to Switzerland will be his last overseas adventure. Jim Cummings had no way of knowing just how final his trip would be when he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now, it is up to his son to find out what happened.

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 Norm Kalloch has crafted a pan-Atlantic tale of international intrigue, a page-turner of a mystery complete with colorful characters, multiple murders, illicit drugs, money laundering, deadly weapons, planes, and trains that range from New England to Europe and back again. High on a mountain footpath in the Swiss Alps, a 78-year-old hiker is on a final journey to fulfill his wanderlust, an adventure that would intersect with members of a counterfeit pharmaceutical cartel on a mission to dispatch a potential informant. A casually snapped photo and a stolen GPS satellite communicator set professional investigators and a dogged amateur detective on a sinuous trail of clues that finally lead them to the mastermind of the evil enterprise, who ultimately receives a highly satisfying form of justice worthy of his crimes.

—Carey Michael Kish, author of Beer Hiking New England, AMC’s Best Day Hikes along the Maine Coast, and the Maine Mountain Guide


Norman R. Kalloch, Jr., worked for thirty-four years in natural resource conservation. Now retired, he and his wife, Audrey, live eight months of the year off the grid at a pond in Somerset County and winter in St. George, Maine.

Kalloch has also written A Long Way to Walk, 45th Parallel, Life in the Backwoods, and Stranded.

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