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Hardcover with dust jacket, 6″ x 9″
237 pages
ISBN 78-1-63381-258-1

by Jane Harvey Meade

Twenty-five years after her classmate’s disappearance, Lanie
Warren returns to Narrownook, Maine, and finds festering
suspicions have splintered the close-knit coastal community. Soon after her arrival, a vicious murder, which has stayed hidden for a quarter of a century, becomes painfully exposed. Is Lanie the catalyst who causes the truth to unravel, or is it the new cop in town, Tyke Robinson, who has just arrived under false pretenses?

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In her “first life,” Jane Harvey Meade was an educator for 38 years, teaching in the states of Maine, New York, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Since retiring, she has published books in a variety of genres, which include a biography, two mystery novels, two spiritual memoirs, a dramatic novel about a woman’s struggle against abuse, and a book of poetry. Her eighth book, Narrownook, is her
third mystery novel.

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