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Paperback, 6” x 9”
31 pages with color photographs
ISBN 978-1-63381-219-2

by John Dougherty

Always, Always, Lead with Love is an inspirational message to help guide oneself to a higher calling of Love. A challenge to all human beings to always choose a Love  response and not give into hate. Be the Love you want to see in others, and yourself, and help bring peace to all corners of our universe.


John “JD” Dougherty lives with his wife, Julia, in Bangor, Maine. Recently, JD is challenging his creative spirit in the forms of writing, painting, and tactile art. He enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter, son-in-law, and two beautiful granddaughters.
His Love for life can be seen in how he lives his life and how he loves being with people.

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