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Paperback,  6″ x 9″
213 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-380-9


by Chris Lewey, S.M. Fisher, and J.K. Lounsbury

There is a way to easily restore the order of Nature within our own lives. The solution is on the individual level, and this is where our attention should be.

There is harmony in this song that Nature is singing, and, just as a poem’s rhythm resembles the emotion it arouses, when we are in the midst of Nature, our pace is set to its tune.

Our original title for this book was Birding with God and the Power of Nature Absorption. Nature Absorption is a path of intuition, healing, and spiritual transformation.

We cite many voices from numerous ages, cultures, and traditions to illuminate this truth.

There are books that encourage a connection with Nature on many different levels, but this book makes connections with scientific facts and spiritual relationships that open us to different perspectives and enhance the awareness of the sacred all around us.

We are not alone even in our solitude.


CHRIS LEWEY, Founder of RAVEN Interpretive Programs, holds a master’s in environmental studies from Antioch University. He has taught biology, ecology, and ornithology and was director of Joy of Birding for the National Audubon Society at Hog Island, Maine.

S.M. FISHER, early childhood and elementary educator, and J.K. LOUNSBURY, have worked for RAVEN Interpretive Programs in a number of capacities.

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