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A Saga of Roman Britain

Paperback,  6″ x 9″
343 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-400-4

by Robert J. Ristino

In 84 CE, Alauna, a Votadini princess, is chosen by her father to guide into the southern highlands of Britannia a Roman cohort assigned to build a fortress. Unlike her father, she hates the Romans and longs to free her people. The trek north is filled with dangers as Alauna leads them into unforeseen perils. The Roman leader is a prefect of engineering, Tertius Vulpienus. She comes to admire his intelligence, strength, and bravery. What began as hate turns into respect and then into something unexpected as the Romans confront a danger that threatens them all.


 Robert J. Ristino began writing following his retirement as a full-time professor teaching commu­nications. Prior to teaching he served as a captain in the US Army before migrating into a long career in public relations. He continues to teach as visiting faculty in Europe, and he conducts and publishes research in organizational behavior and communi­cation. In his fiction, Bob has no particular genre, writing about whatever piques his interest. The Barbarian Princess is his first historical romance. It was both difficult and laborious to write because of the extensive research required, and his editor has the worry lines to prove it. With his German shepherd, Bruno, he leads a solitary literary life on a lake in Maine.

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