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Paperback, 6″ x 9″
169 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-313-7

by David M. Carew

For decades, Lucy Bouchier has served the world’s best pizza and Italian sandwiches at her beloved neighborhood store, Lucy’s in the Neighborhood, in Waterville, Maine. Specializing in her own zany brand of humor and with a loving heart as big as the State of Maine, she passes the downtime in her store by sharing stories from her past with her best friend and coworker, Jasmine. But one day, as Lucy launches into the story of her explosive involvement in a 1972 murder mystery—whose plot blends with that of her love for William, the cherished high school boyfriend who went through the murder case with her—her world is suddenly upended in the strangest, most mystifying and poignant way.

Why does Lucy keep seeing William—the William she knew in 1972, who somehow seems so real—outside her store? Why does William—or whoever or whatever it is—disappear into the mist when Lucy tries to approach him? How are Lucy’s puzzling sightings tied to the decades-old murder mystery—and to the deep, abiding love for William that has never faded from her heart?

* * *

STELLAR…an engaging, entertaining, intelligent look at the human condition. Fans of Mr. Carew’s previous works will welcome this long-awaited third novel.

—Roy E. Perry, Book Reviewer (retired), The Tennessean


David M. Carew is the author of the novels Voice from the Gutter and Everything Means Nothing to Me: A Novel of Underground Nashville, which The Tennessean hailed as “haunting, beautiful, powerful.” He lives in Waterville, Maine, where this novel is set.

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