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Paperback,  6″ x 9″
234 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-435-6

by Robert W. Spencer
Also the author The Spinster’s Hope Chest, Prospects, and Francena Hallett’s Heart.

Matty Wheet’s grandmother, Abigail, knows secrets about the family’s ancestry, but no one else believes her. In 1978, when Matty learns she is descended from leaders of the Native Wampanoag nation who fought against Plymouth Colony in King Philip’s War (1675), she fears her life has been ruined. Tim Romney, her life-long friend, searches ancient history and finds reasons she and he can be proud of their ancestors.

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 “Robert Spencer is a master of historical fiction.”

—Bruce Robert Coffin, national award-winning Maine author of mystery and adventure novels

Robert W. Spencer lives in South Waterford, Maine, where he is a trustee of the local library and volunteers for other local nonprofits. This novel follows three others: The Spinster’s Hope Chest (2018), Prospects (2020), and Francena Hallett’s Heart (2022). Besides doing extensive historical research, he sings bass in a local community chorus, gardens, and is a rockhound.

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