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Paperback, 6″ x 9″
243 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-316-8

written by Bruce A. Fleming
Milliken Mill series: Pressing Matters & Last Will & Punishment

Picking up where things left off, family becomes pitted against family after the reading of a will. Follow along with the Nolans, the Drakes, and others as they shore up positions for upcoming battles among the families. Meanwhile, someone has been lurking in the shadows pulling the strings. Find out who in the third novel of the Milliken Mills series.


 Bruce A. Fleming grew up in the Katahdin region of Maine without cable television and before the time of the internet. Needing a way to entertain himself, Bruce became a fan of continuing television dramas and cites the crazy, over-the-top stories of Dallas and Melrose Place as his faves.

For more information, visit the author’s website.

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