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Paperback,  6″ x 9″
213 pages
ISBN 978-1-63381-407-3

by Roger Brock

It is 1966, and JR Robichaud has received a draft letter that propels him into the army and the war in Vietnam. Returning home as a disabled hero, JR faces a lifetime of physical pain, personal loss, and unrelenting guilt. A bizarre twist of fate, decades after his homecoming, provides a surprise avenue for relief from his torment and, with it, a second chance at life.


Roger Brock grew up in rural western New York State. After graduating from St. Lawrence University, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. As an infantry lieutenant, he served at Fort Lee in Virginia as the Vietnam War ground to its end. He and his wife live in Springvale, Maine, and summer at Pineholm, the family camp on Mousam Lake in Shapleigh.

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